Iran, Cuba celebrate 40 anniversary of diplomatic ties

TEHRAN – The Cuban embassy in Tehran has issued a statement announcing that Iran and Cuba celebrate the 40th anniversary of diplomatic relationship.
The statement has detested economic sanctions on Cuba and Iran by Washington since the two countries “decided to take the path of independence and self-determination.”
Following is the text of the statement:
On August 8, 1979, the Republic of Cuba and the Islamic Republic of Iran reestablished diplomatic relations. In this way Cuba became one of the first countries to recognize the new Republic that was born after the triumph of a historic Revolution. This fact marked the beginning of a friendship between both nations that lasts until our days.
Over the course of these 40 years, both countries have supported each other, and friendship relations have undergone an important development, favoring mutually beneficial cooperation in various areas such as biotechnology and health. In addition, they have maintained a close and positive coordination in the multilateral sphere.
The incessant consolidation and development of relationship between Iran and Cuba, continues in accordance with the fundamental interests of our governments and peoples, and also for the sake of safeguarding World peace and the promotion of common development.
Cuba highly values the traditional cooperative relations between our countries and recognizes Iran's right to develop research, production and use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes, without discrimination.
The current international scenario, in which both countries face a severe regime of sanctions imposed by the United States on its objective suffocate the economies of our countries and cause hardships to our peoples, it must become an opportunity to further develop the economic, commercial and cooperation relations, and going out more strengthened Iran and Cuba come to this new anniversary as a benchmark of resistance and dignity against a power that seeks at all costs to destroy the individual project of two countries that decided to take the path of the Independence and self-determination.
Cuba strongly condemns the imposition of sanctions and coercive measures unilateral imposed by the government of the United States against Iran, which fundamentally damages its people, in flagrant violation of their rights.
We are sure that we will continue to reap victories against pretensions of our enemies, while continuing strengthening relationships of friendship and solidarity.
Tehran, August 5, 2019.
“Year 61 of the Triumph of the Revolution”
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